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Writer: overtont4overtont4

We love because he first loved us 1 John 4:19

Things have been pretty crazy lately, in my life and in the world in general. There have been many personal challenges and deadlines I need to meet. Health issues, work issues, issues, issues, issues. When we feel like all the balls we must juggle are in the air at the same time, we might get testy. I know I do. And those are the times we might feel we aren’t very lovable. That is me lately. I have felt pushed and rushed and pulled from all sides. Too much to do and too little time as the saying goes. It can make one grumpy.

Today I wondered, if I am not very lovable here with my loved ones, I must look awfully unlovable to the outside world. Neighbors, friends, and acquaintances might take a second glance and wonder, “What’s going on with her these days?” “A lot, in fact, probably too much,” would be my answer.

In reality, I wouldn’t give up any of my writing projects, pastimes, or other things clogging my calendar. But maybe this is the time to consider adjusting some of these demands to take time to relax and to take time and think more about the bigger picture rather than projects and appointments. I am fortunate to have a considerate husband, understanding family, but more than that, I am blessed because He loved me first. This means He knows, He sees, He understands, and through all the turmoil, He loves because He always has. He loves us first. He loved me first. I didn’t have to choose Him, He loved me first. This still amazes me.

And because He loved us first, we can love others and they will love us back. That is what love is.

Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever Psalm 136:26

No matter what we are going through, the demands, conflicts, and issues, His love endures. Period. He loved us first and He loves us always. Isn’t that incredible?

If you would like to read a story about four humorous life long Christian friends who stick together through tough times, you will want to pre-order a copy of “Sabal Palms and the Southern Squall.” See how a hurricane touches the lives of these women when Devine Intervention intertwines their lives with the lives of a lost man, a wayward son, a runaway daughter, and a New York hit man. Pre-order is available on Amazon. Release date: April 5th.

Other books now available on Amazon.

Visit my Amazon author page, Terry Overton, to see other available books and devotionals.


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