The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him Exodus 15:2
No, “wilty” is not a real word. But I am going to use it anyway.
Peeking through my blinds I noticed that my pink impatiens that had been “wilty” a short time ago were now standing up with happy flowers. Why? It is simple. The flowers had several days of too much rain followed by several days of too much heat. Those poor little flowers had been through too many ups and downs. But once those roller coaster weather days tapered off, just the right amount of water brought out the joyful colorful flowers.
Our faith and our own happiness can be like the impatiens in my backyard. We experience too many days of tests, trials, and stress. Our stamina and our faith weaken. We are torn. We may become impatient in our faith, like the flowers, needing immediate care. On these days, I know all I need to do is have some quiet time with God. I need exactly the right amount of water.
“WILTY” in today’s texting language stands for “Would I lie to you?” and, in this blog post, I am telling you the truth. I would not lie to you. A few moments of time alone with God, a passage or two from the Bible, a quiet prayer, and you can be on your way with renewed strength. You feel recharged and energized.
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand Isaiah 41:10
“But wait!” You may protest, “I need more than that. I am too overwhelmed and drained. I need more than a few moments to refresh my spirit and my energy.” And after many days of stress, this is true. Being a caretaker for a loved one or raising young children are examples. These prolonged periods of high stress call for more than a few moments. These high stress times mean you may need to reach out to others.
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocableRomans 11:29
Call on others around you. Other family members, neighbors, friends from church, can provide respite and rest when needed. A brief time spent in fellowship with others can provide remarkable energy. Remember, for the people giving support to you, helping you is their gift to you, their service to God. Do not refuse these opportunities when people offer assistance. Christians live by the example set for us by Jesus, to serve others. Thoughtful concerned others want to help you when you are in need. And, do not feel guilty about taking time for yourself. When you become “wilty”, regaining your strength can make you a better caretaker. Spiritual rejuvenation is valuable. Your loved ones, and you, will benefit.
All books available on Amazon.
