And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
There can be no mistake about it. This is one of the toughest seasons of my life. It has been hard for me and all of my family. As many of you already know, within twenty-four hours this past March, Covid took its toll and both of my parents went to Heaven. Last month, in August, my younger sister joined them due to health issues. It has been a hard season.
Many days, I am in a blur, somewhere between “things are going to be okay” and “it feels impossible to move one foot in front of another.”
There have been places and times of comfort. Comfort in the confines of my own home, surrounded by reminders of family members who still remain and those who have gone on, the comfort of spending time with my husband, family, and friends, and of course, the time spent reading Scripture. The Bible is always there, waiting to offer comfort, kindness, and even when needed, correction.
Scripture also tells us about the gifts we have been given. One of the gifts given to us by God is the gift of knowing we are to continue to work for Him. He made us with a purpose. The purpose is to do good works and, as it says in Scripture, we are to always be about the business of working for Him.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:20
For me, the tough season will only improve by getting busy once again, full force, doing what I am called to do. Writing, purposefully sharing His Word in Christian books, is how I am going about my work for Him. By committing myself back to His call, I am dealing with the hard season. He has given me the will, and the skill, to work for Him. This is how He is taking care of me, how He is supplying for my needs during this hard season.
He has provided each of us with gifts and work to do for Him. Your gift might be working actively behind the scenes of your church, helping your family and friends, being a caregiver for a family member, or helping others in need. When you find yourself in tough and challenging situations, you know your Friend and Savior has suffered through every human emotion. He knows what we need because He felt the same emotions when He walked the earth. Through Scripture, He provided strategies for us to deal with emotions of sorrow, grief, and loneliness. It may take time, but comfort will come. We only need to study the Word, seek, ask, and He will provide.
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