This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it Psalm 118:24
The fact that you are reading the verse above is a blessing. You have been blessed with another day! How the day will turn out only God knows. But we know one thing for certain: God, as the creator and giver of all gifts, has provided another day.
Perhaps you are facing a day weighed down and overly scheduled with things you don’t want to do. Within that schedule, you have the option of going about the day with a joyful spirit or being disgruntled about the demands on your time. Carefully planned schedules can be disrupted by both unexpected pleasant or unpleasant events. You keep a positive outlook and remind yourself today is a gift and we are to rejoice in this gift.
Later tonight, you will put your weary body to bed and reflect on the outcome. You may realize it turned out differently.. Keeping the verse above in mind, you decided to celebrate the day regardless of the interruptions, unpleasant events, or the tasks you needed to complete.
Our lives and activities have been caught off guard in the past months. At times, the days came one after another with little distinction. You may have looked at the same four walls too many days in a row or too many hours in a day. It was difficult to be hopeful and rejoice about anything. One morning, maybe this morning, you looked at your family, your circumstances, and thanked God for your many blessings. Perhaps it was at that time you realized joy still exists in the simple things God provides like sunshine, talking with family and friends,, or going for long walks. Sunrises, sunsets, children laughing, faithful dogs at our side, a shared meal, are pleasures we enjoy in our lives. These simple things are the ways God continues to lift our spirits. It has been a time for reflection and reading Scripture. A time of contacting love ones and friends through technology or brief socially distanced visits.

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you Psalm 5:11
When we trust our faith, God eases our worries and fears and we are again able to rejoice. We know that God will protect us and the events of our day are part of a larger plan only God knows and understands. Mornings, facing each new day, can be a time to ask for help in the twenty-four-hour journey. As the Scripture says above, “let all who take refuge in you rejoice.” Take refuge in Him. Ask for calmness. Ask for peace. Ask for strength. God will listen.